Punctuation, Grammar & Sentence Progression

Punctuation and Grammar
Our main focus in nursery is to model reading stories and rhymes to children, developing their language through role play and story time. We teach grammar and vocabulary by building sentences orally throughout the day – about pictures, real objects, children’s paintings and their experiences.

In Reception, we teach grammar and vocabulary by further building sentences orally with a focus on using synonyms to expand and deepen the children’s use of vocabulary and understanding of language. Children are provided with opportunities through play to write simple phrases and sentences which can be read by themselves and others, and the adults model simple sentences that include capital letters and full stops.

Years 1 – 6
A fundamental aspect of developing proficiency in writing is a strong focus on Punctuation and Grammar. The progressive teaching and learning of punctuation and grammar, with discrete, daily sessions taking place from year 1 to year 6, ensures that children’s knowledge and understanding is built upon year on year and revisited, further ensuring that children communicate their ideas effectively.

Click the links below to see the features of punctuation and grammar that your child will be learning this year:
Progression in Grammar and Punctuation

Year 1 expected grammar mat
Year 1 expected punctuation

Year 2 expected grammar mat
Year 2 expected punctuation

Year 3 expected grammar mat
Year 3 expected punctuation

Year 4 expected grammar mat
Year 4 expected punctuation

Year 5 expected grammar mat
Year 5 expected punctuation

Year 6 expected grammar mat
Year 6 expected punctuation

Sentence Progression
Our main focus in nursery is to model saying and building sentences orally throughout the day – about pictures, real objects, children’s paintings and their experiences. We plan and provide many opportunities for the children to develop their oral sentence structure through well-structured play and real-life experiences.

In Reception, through their daily phonics sessions, simple sentences that include capital letters and full stops are modelled and written. Children are provided with opportunities through play to form and write simple phrases and sentences which can be read by themselves and others, and be celebrated by being added to their clipboards and shared with adults.

Years 1 – 6
Documented sentence progression, based on the Alan Peat Sentence Progression materials across the school, ensures that children, as young writers, have the knowledge and understanding to develop as effective and proficient communicators.

Click the link below to find the different sentence types children from years 1-6 will be focusing on each year:
Alan Peat – Sentence Progression