Our School

At Pennoweth, everything we do is about enabling every child to reach their full potential. First and foremost, our children feel safe coming to school, and we work very hard to ensure that the culture and ethos remain strong and that children therefore grow in confidence and self knowledge and not only develop positive attitudes to their learning but are inspired to learn more.
We are very lucky here at Pennoweth because the school site is so large and varied. The school itself is modern and spacious and has recently been refurbished to a high standard. The classroom and ‘break out’ areas are therefore pleasant environments in which to work and both children and staff take pride in looking after it.
Welcome to Pennoweth
Our Early Years department includes a wonderful outdoor learning environment as well as two spacious classrooms. Outside we have an area we call ‘The Orchard’ where children can enjoy the mud kitchen, garden, climb and enjoy role play and read in the ‘up cycled’ fishing boat reclaimed from St Ives Harbour!
We have two playgrounds (one for Key Stage 1 children and the other for the older Key Stage 2 children). One of our more recent projects was to restructure our Key Stage 2 playground and we now have a 2G pitch which is proving to be a great acquisition.
We have a ‘Wild Woodland’ area where we run our FOREST SCHOOL, a small orchard and sand pits. In addition to this we have two large playing fields, gardens, an outdoor gym and a shaded area.