Subject leader: Mrs Makin
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Our geography curriculum intent
‘The study of geography is about more than just memorising places on a map.
It’s about understanding the complexity of our world, appreciating the diversity of cultures that exists across continents.’
— Barack Obama —
At Pennoweth, we believe that Geography helps to provoke and provide answers about the natural and human aspects of the world. Children are supported and encouraged to develop a greater understanding and knowledge of the world and their place in it. Our curriculum enables children to progressively develop knowledge, skills and vocabulary, which are transferable to other areas of the curriculum and which can and are used to promote their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. Through a well-planned and well-resourced curriculum, we develop children’s curiosity about the world and its people, and promote children’s interest and understanding of diverse places, people, resources and natural and human environments, together with a deep understanding of the Earth’s key physical and human processes.
Geography at Pennoweth is currently taught in blocks across a two-year cycle from year 2 to 6 in order for the children to achieve depth in their learning. Key knowledge, skills and associated vocabulary have been identified and these have been mapped across the school to ensure progression. At the start of each unit, teachers establish the starting point for each child and ensure that all lessons taught are relevant and developmental, and consideration is given to how greater depth will be reached within each lesson, as well as how learners will be supported in line with the school’s commitment to inclusion.
Cross curricular outcomes in Geography are specifically planned for, with strong links between the subject and English lessons identified, planned for and utilised. During the unit, the chosen class text also links to the aspects being taught. Emphasis on learning outside the classroom is of great importance in our teaching of Geography, with the local area used wherever appropriate to support teaching and learning.
The culture of our DNA at Pennoweth also aids and supports the teaching of geography.
Always starting our geography lessons with a recap of our local geography ensures children feel safe before embarking on adventures around the world in profound and purposeful learning. Mistakes are seen as stepping stones to deeper learning. There is a sense of awe and wonder about the world which includes them as people which shows how much they are loved. They are able to be responsible for their learning in geography through using a wide range of resources such as atlases, globes, technology and books to aid their understanding of the world. The children are engaged and motivated in their learning due to immersive, stimulating projects which leave children in amazement of the world we live in, eager to find out more processes, skills and knowledge. Finally, our children are ready. Ready to face the wider world armed with geographical knowledge, skills and vocabulary which will help them succeed as they discover for themselves the magnitude of our amazing planet.
What will my child experience through geography at Pennoweth?
Geography is taught as part of a project approach where over their time at Pennoweth, children will cover every aspect of the geography National Curriculum. Children will encounter this in a meaningful way through immersive projects such as ‘Land Ahoy’, ‘Tremors’ and ‘Allotment’. During these projects, children will have their reading and writing based upon geography too. This might look like a report on farming, a diary entry in the middle of a tsunami or a letter to Captain Cook.
Geography at Pennoweth is currently taught in blocks across a two-year cycle from year 2 to 6 in order for the children to achieve depth in their learning. Key knowledge, skills and associated vocabulary have been identified and these have been mapped across the school to ensure progression. At the start of each unit, teachers establish the starting point for each child and ensure that all lessons taught are relevant and developmental, and consideration is given to how greater depth will be reached within each lesson, as well as how learners will be supported in line with the school’s commitment to inclusion.
Cross curricular outcomes in Geography are specifically planned for, with strong links between the subject and English lessons identified, planned for and utilised. During the unit, the chosen class text also links to the aspects being taught. Emphasis on learning outside the classroom is of great importance in our teaching of Geography, with the local area used wherever appropriate to support teaching and learning.
In Nursery geography is taught discreetly throughout child led learning and specific carpet times.
In Reception, geography is taught discreetly throughout all topics. Children will learn about their local environment and their community around them, this will include looking at local landmarks, walking into Redruth town center, visiting the library and our local churches.
They will spend time understanding their personal worlds, such as their classroom environment and school geography.
Year 1
Year 1 children will learn about the continents and oceans. They will learn that The United Kingdom is union of four countries. They will spend time learning about the equator and the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.
Year 2
Year 2 children will learn that an Ocean is a large sea and they will learn that there are 5 oceans on our planet. They will learn that the equator divides the worlds into the Norther and Southern Hemisphere.
Year 3
Year 3 children will learn about the different countries that are in Europe and explore the major cities of the United Kingdom.
Year 4
Year 4 children will learn all about The North American continents. They will look into the significant rivers and mountains of the UK.
Year 5
Year 5 children will learn about the major cities around the world. They will learn what is meant by ‘Relative location’ and explore how compass points can be used to describe the relationships of a feature to another.
Year 6
Year 6 children will learn all about Geographical interconnections, geographical patterns. They will dig deeper into understanding all about the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.
What geography skills and knowledge will my child learn at Pennoweth?
What sort of geographical language will my child learn at Pennoweth?
What do Pennoweth’s children think about Geography?
Comments from nursery
‘We have a weather chart, we tell the weather each day.’
‘Look it’s cloudy today.’
Comments from children in year 1
‘I love geography, I love exploring with Lenny.’
‘Geography is super fun, when I’m a big boy I want to visit lots of places.’
Comments from children in year 2
‘I loved learning all about the Continents and Oceans, we learnt some songs to help us remember them.’
‘I loved learning about habitats it linked to our science project.’
Comments from children in year 3
‘I loved learning about the Oceans and the equator.’
‘I liked locating and naming the continents.’
Comment from a child in year 4
I like learning about the world, the environment and different countries.’
Comment from a child in year 5
‘I like geography because you can learn about different places in the world that you haven’t learnt about yet.’
Comment from a child in year 6
‘I liked learning about Darwin’s Delight Galapagos Island.’
Useful geography websites and links
BBC Bitesize (Reception under ‘Understanding the World’)
BBC Bitesize (Year 1 – 2)
BBC Bitesize (Year 3- 6)
The Seven Continent Song (the kids LOVE this in school!)
The Five Oceans Song (It’s pretty catchy!)
Google Earth
Children can spend hours zooming into different places on this world map. Can they name the continents and oceans? Where would their dream destination be? Why? Can they find Redruth? Which county, country and continent is it in?
Google Maps
Let children explore anywhere in the world or their neighbourhood by using Google maps. Turn to street view for a camera view of where they are.
Go Jetters
Children love this programme and they will be learning about somewhere in the world without really realising!
My World Kitchen
This programme shows you the food cooked and eaten from different parts of the world. Maybe your children could have a go at a recipe?
Blue Planet
What more could you want than amazing scenes and David Attenborough’s wisdom? This is aimed more at older children in KS2 but some fascinating facts and information about everything to do with how the world works and is impacted by us humans.