
Subject lead: Mrs Augarde 

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Our languages curriculum intent

‘Knowledge of languages is the doorway to wisdom.’

— Roger Bacon —

At Pennoweth, we believe a high-quality languages education fosters children’s curiosity and deepens their understanding of the world. We are committed to developing children’s linguistic skills, enabling them to interpret, create and exchange meaning within and across cultures through a balance of spoken and written language.

Our curriculum enables children to progressively develop knowledge, skills and vocabulary, and promote their interest in, and understanding of Spanish.

Spanish at Pennoweth is taught in 45 minute sessions from Year 3 – Year 6 each week. Key knowledge, skills and associated vocabulary have been identified and these have been mapped across Key Stage 2 to ensure progression. Lessons across the key stage support the skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing: children are taught to listen to spoken language and respond, joining in with songs, rhymes and games. Children develop an appreciation of a variety of stories, songs, poems and rhymes in Spanish that are delivered through the curriculum content as well as by Spanish speakers within the school community and secondary school. Where appropriate, cross curricular links are identified, planned for and utilised.

What do Pennoweth’s children think about languages? 

A child in year 6 says, “I liked learning about the foods and finding out about the Day of the Dead.”

A child in year 4 says, “I enjoyed learning about the continents and countries where Spanish is spoken.”

Another child in year 4 says, “I really liked it when we were taught the greetings in Spanish because when I come in I can say ‘hola’ and to answer the register I can say ‘buenos dias’ or ‘buenas tardes’.

What do languages look like at Pennoweth?

Year 3 and 4:

Year 5 and 6:

Useful websites:

KS1 Spanish –

KS2 Spanish –

Duolingo –