PE Subject Leader: Mr Turner

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Our PE curriculum intent

‘It is really important that we promote competitive support in schools. It is very important that we recognise that has to be underpinned by good quality physical education and by getting people into patterns of exercise’ 

— Lord Coe —

Pennoweth recognises the value of Physical Education. Our teaching ensures that children develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities; are physically active for sustained periods of time; engage in competitive sports and activities, and lead healthy, active lives.

Our curriculum, taken from Real PE, enables children to progressively develop knowledge and skills to performing competently, confidently and with a secure understanding of the requirements of a healthy lifestyle.

Physical Education is taught weekly, with key knowledge and skills identified and mapped across the school to ensure progression. Teachers continually assess children’s abilities and consideration is given to how higher performers will be supported within each lesson, as well as how learners will be supported in line with the school’s commitment to inclusion.

Cross curricular outcomes in Physical Education are specifically planned for, with appropriate links between the subject itself, Science and English lessons identified, planned for and utilised.


The culture of our DNA at Pennoweth also aids and supports the teaching and learning of PE throughout the school.

Children are encouraged and taught to work carefully during PE, especially when using equipment and working in close proximity to others. They are encouraged to be creative and share their ideas with the rest of the class, creating a comfortable and safe atmosphere. Teamwork is a crucial aspect to PE and through effective collaboration and support, children feel loved. Competition, both individual and within a group enables all children to take responsibility for their learning and their personal improvement. Children are constantly challenged through differing levels of fundamental movement skills ensuring that they are always learning. Finally, our children are ready. They are ready to apply the skills that they have learnt during PE lessons to a range of contexts and have acquired a lifelong love of physical activity.

What will my child experience through PE (Physical Education) at Pennoweth?

Children at Pennoweth are timetabled to be taught PE once per week for at least an hour. These lessons are either delivered in the hall or outside on the playground or the astro turf.
Lessons are planned to be fun and skill-based, with lots of opportunities for wider-curriculum learning, especially PSHE.

PE lessons are taught through our scheme: RealPE.
This scheme is designed to help every child achieve in PE through 12 fundamental movement skills and 6 ‘multi-ability cogs’ which are focused on throughout the year: cognitive, creative, social, physical, health and fitness and personal.

Each half term, PE is taught focusing on one of the multi-ability cogs through fun skill-based games. Each year, we tailor the sequence of the cogs depending on what we think the children of Pennoweth need.

Outside of their PE lessons, children have further opportunities for PE and sport, including tribal competitions, fitness activities in class and physical activities in their PSHE lessons.

Furthermore, children also have timetabled weekly physical well-being lessons (30mins) per week where we discuss both physical and mental wellbeing.

What does PE look like in Nursery?

Nursery’s PE operated slightly differently to the rest of the school given their age.

Mainly, Nursery use Healthy Movers programmed cards (1 per half term) to develop the physical needs and growth of the child. These lessons are timetabled  and focuses on skills such as control, ball skills and coordination. Parents are also informed on their focus for each half term for continued practice at home.

Outside of this Nursery have both child and adult initiated activities to ensure they develop physically. These opportunities include indoor activities to develop their gross motor skills and outdoor provision developing climbing and ball skills.

What does PE look like in Reception?

As part of our EYFS Physical Development curriculum, children are expected to be off the carpet and moving for two and a half hours per day. This includes free-flow play where children are able to take risks and develop their Gross Motor skills.

Children have a timetabled PE slot and follow our whole-school EY RealPE curriculum when they are ready. To begin the year in Reception, children follow our RealFoundations programme, which is story-based and focuses on gross motor skills that will be needed throughout their PE journey at school. Children develop their listening skills, spatial awareness and team-work.

What PE skills and knowledge will my child learn at Pennoweth?

Please see the curriculum maps for each year group below and the 12 fundamental movement skills (FUNS):
EYFS PE Curriculum Map

Year1 PE Curriculum Map

Year2 PE Curriculum Map

Year3 PE Curriculum Map

Year4 PE Curriculum Map

Year 5&6 PE Curriculum Map


Year 3/4 classes also have the great opportunity to swim for a half term each (6 weeks).

What sort of PE language will my child learn at Pennoweth?

PE-vocabulary-document 2.0

What do Pennoweth’s children think about P.E?

Throughout the school our children respond really well to P.E lessons and are positive about their experience of P.E. They also really understand the importance of physical exercise and how it is good for both their physical and mental health. here is what some of our children had to say.


In Year 2 (KS1)

Caya: ‘I like playing sports and games. It makes me happy.’

Benas: ‘I like racing with my friends and working on my balance.’


In Year 4 (LKS2)

Natalie: ‘I love sports and moving my body. If i stay still for too long my body doesn’t like it.’

Henry: ‘I love to exercise so I can be strong.’

In Year 6 (UKS2)

Jack: ‘ It helps me to concentrate when I’ve done a P.E lesson.’

Noah: ‘We work on our speed, catching, ball skills, evasion skills, it’s so fun. We do it to stay healthy.’

Summer: ‘ I like it because we get to be outside with my friends. it’s different as well.’


Below are a few images of some of our Year 5/6 children learning the basics of Netball.


Useful websites and links:

The Body Coach Youtube Channel
Cosmic Kids Yoga
Youth Sport Trust
BBC Supermovers